In today’s economic climate, attracting top talent is more competitive than ever. With unemployment rates at a record low – and in some fields more job openings than qualified candidates – a recruitment strategy is critical. At Digital Marketing Group we are Talent Acquisition experts can help amplify your brand. Craft a compelling brand story for you compant that can generate leads and build relationships with a diverse talent pool. And keep employees excited and invested in their careers every step of the way.
MARKETING PLAN: The key elements of a marketing plan are:
Market Analysis – This is a detailed analysis of your market, your customers, your competitors, and other factors.
Marketing Goals – A definition of your marketing goals and how they tie in to your overall business goals.
Marketing Mix – Your marketing strategy
and the tactics you will use to realize your goals in terms of the 4
P’s: Product, Price, Place, and Promotion.
Marketing Budget – A budget for your marketing expenses and revenues.